On March 19,2018, Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov has met with the election observers of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Filippo Ristoldo and Risto Hurme who will work during the upcoming Azerbaijani presidential election in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. The ODIHR observers said they will monitor the pre-election campaign and the voting in Nakhchivan.
Filippo Ristoldo and Risto Hurme expressed their gratitude for the warm welcome and noted their satisfaction with being in the autonomous republic on the eve of Novruz holiday. The observers noted that they would closely monitor the election campaign and the voting process and informed Chairman about their areas of activity.
The Chairman of the Supreme Assembly highlighted the preparations for the election process in the autonomous republic and noted the creation of comprehensive conditions for the activities of international observers. Expressing his confidence that the election observations will be carried out in accordance with the law, the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly wished the guests success in their activities.